We would like to inform you of the changes that we are obliged to make in our itinerary, due to the new education law, in which the recovery exams that used to take place in September will disappear.
For this reason, we have considered that the best option is for both Oscar and Danilo to take their holidays in July and return to work on 1st August.
For those students in 1st BACHILLERATO who WILL have a revision course in September, we will send them work to do in July and then we will do an intensive course during the month of August.
For those students who pass the year, but who have had difficulties in one or more subjects, in August we will prepare a programme in which the teachers will work in depth on those concepts and subjects that they consider basic to successfully face the next year.
For those who need to repeat a year, we recommend that they come to class during August and September to work on the basic pillars of those subjects which they still find difficult and which do not allow them to make progress.
One issue we would like to work on during August is helping students to learn how to summarise and outline, as these are two basic aspects for success in subjects such as History, Geography, Biology…
Another important change is that the academy will be open for the beginning of the school year from the 1st of SEPTEMBER (and not the 1st of October as we have done for the last 20 years). This will be a very good opportunity for those students who have passed the course and have not come to the summer course, but who want to start off on the right foot from the beginning, remembering basic concepts for the start of the course.
On this occasion, students who start at the academy on the 1st of September will be the first to get their spot.
We hope this information has been of help to you and we remain at your disposal for any questions you may have.